Welcome to the home of the traveling ElePHPant!

Traversable is a pink elePHPant trying to see as much of the world as possible. Help him to get around!

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About Traversable, the travelling elephpant

The traveling elephpant is a special elephpant which has embarked on a journey to visit the world, by visiting PHP user groups and PHP users. It will go from one to the next, following life and its opportunities.

We have set an elephpant on a world tour, only equipped with his passport. The passeport is issued by the Trisaieul, the oldest elephpant on earth, and should be filled by events that the elephpant visits. Each event, the elephpant will change hands, and find a new bearer, who will bring it to another part of the community.

We want to know how far, how wide and how long this elephpant can travel the world.

The traveling elephpant is called 'Traversable', in honor of the PHP interface [Traversable](https://www.php.net/traversable), that allows navigation of entire objects.

Travelling elephpant experiment is inspired by the [HichBot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HitchBOT). This was a robot that crossed Canada three times by simply hitchhiking.


Traversable, the elephpant, travels the world, from PHP aficionado to PHP aficionado. Participating is a five step process :

  • Go to the traversable-elephpant.github.io web site, and register yourself on the list of aspiring elephpant bearer. This is the important first step.
  • Follow the travel of Traversable, and check when it will cross your road. Traversable will find its bearer in real life, at a conference, a PHP meetup or simply by meeting the current bearer. Find a common place, coordinate with the current bearer, and you're the next.
  • At the meeting, get the elephpant and its passeport, check the last news with the current bearer, and take a picture of you both to celebrate the event! (also, send us news and picture)
  • Bring Traversable home, or to office, and start planning the next meeting with a future elephpant bearer. Check the same list that you filled in initially, and find the most suitable successor. It is your responsability to ensure the well-being of Traversable in its next family!
  • Meet the next elephpant bearer, fill the passeport with your name, the location and event. Then, it is time to shed a tear, take a picture with the new elephpant bearer, and let it keep its way in the world. You are now part of the Traversable family!

What to do while you have Traversable in custody ?

While you have Traversable is in your custody, you have to take care of it so that he may enjoy his time with you, and reach the next guardian healthy and sound. Here are some activities that may be undertaken :

  • Take the elephpant to a local momument and share a picture of it there
  • Bring the elephpant to a local meetup and add a 'visa' for this user group in the passeport
  • answer a cfp and find your next PHP conference where you can meet the future elephpant bearer
  • Keep the passeport and the elephpant together, for their next destination


Why is the elephpant blue on the passeport ?

And pink in real life ? That's a conversation starting question.

This is a cute elephpant. Can I get one anywhere?

There are some locations to buy elephpant. They will travel less, but will come to you and stay. Also, join conferences.

You want to help Traversable see more of the world?

Send us an Email in which you tell us a bit about yourself and we'll add you to the list of people Traversable will eventually visit.

Please make sure that the email contains the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Where you are based (country, state, big city). It helps finding potential crossroads.
  • Social accounts that we should track to get informations about your encounters with Traversable

Current bearers' list